Discretionary manipulation of accounting information and managed partnership value in managerial firms


  • Aminou MOUNGUEYI POUMIE University of Maroua
  • Emmanuel DJOBSIA University of Maroua


Managerial discretion, Discretionary power, Accounting information, Accounting policy, Adjusted partnership value


The theory of managerial discretion used in the research of the link between the manipulation of accounting information and the creation of value is based on the degree of discretionary power of the manager. Through this research based on the quantitative approach in its hypothetico-deductive dimension, 96 managerial companies constituted our sample. Thus, the objective of this article is to analyze the nature of the relationship between the discretionary manipulation of accounting information and the creation of the managed partnership value. To this end, the empirically collected primary data were processed through principal component analysis and regression analysis. Finally, we found that the voluntary discrimination in the management of accounting data is related to structural contingency factors on the one hand, and to the desired objectives of the main actors in the production of accounting information on the other hand.


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How to Cite

MOUNGUEYI POUMIE , A., & DJOBSIA , E. (2022). Discretionary manipulation of accounting information and managed partnership value in managerial firms. Revue Du contrôle, De La Comptabilité Et De l’audit , 6(1). Retrieved from https://revuecca.com/index.php/home/article/view/796


