Can we talk about low informational efficiency in the Casablanca Stock Exchange? “Literature review”


  • Nada EL BIJRI
  • Driss DAOUI


Information, The weak form, The Casablanca Stock Exchange, Efficiency, Market


Several researchers have adopted the informational efficiency of financial markets as a research subject and the basis of a lot of studies. The large number of studies carried out in this field proves the importance of this theme in the academic world. However few studies are devoted to the Moroccan financial market. It is for this reason that we decided to elaborate this work in order to test the informational efficiency of the Casablanca Stock Exchange. Fama classified informational efficiency into three forms (strong, semi-strong and weak). Thus, this work is devoted mainly to its weak form. We set three steps to carry out this study: Present the theory of the informational efficiency of the financial markets, Define all the tests used in the weak form and present the main bases of the Casablanca Stock Exchange


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How to Cite

EL BIJRI, N. ., & DAOUI , D. . (2020). Can we talk about low informational efficiency in the Casablanca Stock Exchange? “Literature review”. Revue Du contrôle, De La Comptabilité Et De l’audit , 3(1). Retrieved from


